Monday, July 11, 2011

Life-Transition Shawl: Home stretch

An update on Miralda the Life-Transition shawl:

She's been getting bursts of activity in between planning and scheduling housing appointments and figuring out all the myriad details that come with moving across the country.  It's been fitting to knit her center diamond chart, the meat an potatoes of the pattern, while plotting the meat and potatoes of the move. Today we are down South touring places to live and after we sign a lease we should be on the home-stretch...perfectly coinciding with the finishing all the complicated nupp charts on Miralda.  I kind of love it when knitting imitates life (but not in the 1000-yards-of-laceweight-jumbled-into-one-impossible-knot-and-half-eaten-by-the-cat type of way).

1 comment:

Cory Ellen Boberg said...

She's looking beautiful. Here's hoping your move goes as well as your knitting!