Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday morning hoorays

So I ended up at my belly dancing lesson an hour early (instead of researcing times last night I just kind of fell into was one of those weeks) and I was kind of disgruntled because All The Projects are at home a long drive away and what was I going to do for an hour besides shopping that I don't want or need to do and also I forgot my knitting?

OH WAIT! Here is my fully charged smartphone with the internets.  Internets, instead of being disgruntled I am going to tell you about my life with some hoorays:

1. Pirate and I are married!  While I loved our wedding and wish it could have been a whole day affair instead of just an evening one, I am overjoyed at the emotional, mental, and physical space I have now I am not wedding planning.  (Seriously, one year of planning for 7 hours?  Per APW, I suppose it's all about defining the relationship instead of just the party.)  Married life is peaceful and amazing and I wouldn't trade it or the journey that got us here for anything.  Hoooray!

2.  While the two weeks of waiting for it after the wedding were excruciating, the honeymoon itself was awesome! We went on a cruise to the Caribbean.  We spent most of the wedding weekend seperate due to different social obligations, so it was exceptionally nice to have the honeymoon as a unifying (tasty, sun drenched, tropical, caarefree) experience. Hooray!

3. This hedge I am parked by.  What can I say, I like hedges.  I park next to them at work too.  Hooray!

4. Unexpected time to blog. I am off to write posts on different subjects now.  Hooray!

1 comment:

Dean said...

Congratulations, Ondrea. I'm happy things are going so well for you.